Friday, July 30, 2010

6 Months!

As of yesterday, Griffin and I have been dating for 6 months. As Griffin would say, Woot! Woot! (No lie he really does use that phrase on a regular basis, and not just in texts but in real life.) This really has been the best six months ever. Sure it has been hard to be away from him, but I am amazed at how much we have grown together even though we are so far apart. He is someone I can see myself with forever. I'm so lucky to have him. And now that it is nearly August, we are in the home stretch! Before I know it, Griffin will be showing up at my door. That will certainly be a joyous day. Here is a picture that shows how excited Griff is:

In other news, tomorrow morning I will be moving out of Rexburg. I have been here for three years and it has been really awesome. I know a lot of people complain about living here, but I have really enjoyed my time here. I am so glad for the events that brought me here. I loved my classes, teachers, friends, ward, everything. Its been great, but it is time to move on. I'm moving to Spokane, Washington and no one could be more excited about that than my sister. lol. (She lives there and can't wait to do tons of fun stuff together.) I'm excited too though. I'll be sure to write more about it when I get up there. Wish me luck for the drive (and attempting to fit everything I own in my car). School starts at the beginning of September so get ready for updates from the life of a grad student.

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