Saturday, July 17, 2010

Baby lion!!!

I feel like I say this all the time, but I really do have the best boyfriend ever! He is very kind and so very thoughtful. I'm am just so lucky to have him. So if you haven't caught on, holding out hope for a baby lion for my birthday paid off because I got one! And look at how cute he is. Today I was just about to leave for work when someone rang the doorbell. I answered it and it was the mailman with a package for me from Griffin. It was a good sized package but really light so I had no idea what it was. I ran around trying to find my scissors to open it and when I finally did I was so excited to see this little guy! I was just so happy and of course cried so much! It is just the cutest gift ever! I'm pretty sure this separation from Griffin is slowly killing me, but it will be nice to have something to cuddle up with at night. It was just so precious of Griff to try to make my dream of having a baby lion come true. He says that he has something else to send me for my birthday too so I'm super excited to see what that could be. But for now I am very happy to have my very own baby lion. :)

P.S. For this post and all of its cuteness to make sense you need to have read this previous post. Specifically what is listed as number five. Also if you know of my obsession with baby animals then you won't be surprised at my joy. lol.


Linda said...

That's an adorable lion!! Glad it made your day!

Sam said...

That is so sweet. What a good boyfriend.