Tuesday, April 5, 2011


March was a busy month. School of course keeps me constantly working, but to add to the madness of my life, I decided to go visit some friends. My first visit was a quick trip to the Seattle area to visit the TELFORDS! This is one of the best families in existence and they have become a second family to me. I love them dearly and had not seen any of them except Leann for several years (Leann is in my parents ward so that makes it easy to run into each other).

This particular weekend JANAE was in town! She came up from Utah to help Jordan because he is moving to Utah. This was a rare opportunity to spend time with Janae and see JORDAN before he moved far away. I of course had to take advantage. Especially since Jordan has become such a wonderful support in my life. As if this wasn't enough wonderful people, I also got to hang out with their parents and GRANDMA! I have no grandparents of my own, but Grandma Joyce has adopted me and is the sweetest woman alive. She is always looking out for me and loves to hear about what is going on in my life. In true grandma fashion, she also always wants to find me a boy. ha ha.

Grandma, Janae, Jordan, and myself

This visit made me realize how much I missed the Seattle area, and let me tell you it is ALOT. It also made me realize how much I miss these wonderful people. I have great friends in my life right now, but not any of the friends I've had forever. The friends that are my family. I greatly miss that.

The other trip I took was down to Pullman to visit COURTNEY! Dreamiest! Even though she only lives an hour and a half away, we have not seen each other since last July. Both our lives have just been so crazy. But I finally squeezed in a quick visit and am soooo happy that I did! It was so great to be together again. We had a great time catching up. I also got to meet her wonderful friends and of course play with the dogs. I most certainly need to make time for another visit.

Please excuse how bad I look in these pictures. I had just woken up and was unshowered. Not the best idea. But I'm glad that we captured the visit.

There are so many other friends that I really want to visit! Recently, I have been asked to come to three different places around the country. lol. If only I had the time and money. Friends please know that I miss you all and wish I could be with you! <3


Courtney said...

Yay for visits! I love you! You are welcome anytime. I will do my best to come visit you soon!

theluckiest said...

if only you can take a trip to Utah for a bit. I would so love to see you and you can meet Link! Oh how I hate being away from friends as well. This is me saying how much I miss you, Opal and hope you are happy and well. loves...marie

Linda said...

Glad that you were able to have some fun times with friends and family! If you ever come up to Rexburg, be sure to come visit us! :-)