Monday, June 7, 2010


So I'm starting to get frustrated with myself for my complete lack of energy and motivation to do anything. This is a common problem I have when I am not super busy with a million things I have to do. So instead I do pretty much nothing. Well I mean I work of course and sure I have read 5 books since the BYUI semester started but mostly I just lay around in my bed. I cannot tell you the hours I have logged watching TV on the internet and talking to Griff on the phone. Also currently I have been obsessed with reading peoples blogs. Like all of it. Like every entry from the last two years of their life. Not so productive. But surprisingly interesting.

Hmmm, I really need to get out of bed and do some of the projects I've been wanting to. I would also really love it to get warm and sunny outside so that I can at least lay around outside in the grass instead of my bed. I would feel much better about myself if I left the house more. This post makes me sound super lame, but at least you know I'm being honest.

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