Friday, January 2, 2009

Update: I know you've all been waiting for it.

Well lets see...

This summer was fantastic. I spent it in Rexburg living in a house with a bunch of my friends. It was a great time and so nice to be in Idaho for the good weather. At first I worked little and just had fun with my friends. Then I switched jobs and worked full time, but that still left time for fun and bonding. I became closer with many of my friends and added some brand new people close to my heart.

First of all there is Brady. An unlikely friendship that happened so quickly but was perfect. I think it was just what we both needed. He was my BFFN (best friend for now), since both of ours were not with us. He has been at home this last semester, but in a few days we will be together again and I couldn't be more excited!

Then there is Ammon. During the seven week break in between summer and fall semesters, Rexburg is pretty empty and Ammon and I started hanging out. It turned into him being my best friend. We were very close and I will love him forever. He is still someone I cherish.

These are the main two people to have an impact on my life over the summer, but I made other friends and got to know other people better as well. It was a good time spent longboarding, working, and bonding.

Here are some pictures of the summer. Enjoy.

Daniela, Me, And Brady on their birthday.

Matt Hoffman and I at the place he took me for lunch on my birthday.

The first time I got to see Sam and Sean's baby, Lexi.


Hot Springs!

Alright now to fall semester. This was one of my busiest semesters yet. I took 14 credits and worked 20 hours a week. That is the most I have ever worked while going to school full time. I pretty much had no time to do anything but homework. Luckily I had the best roommates ever so I didn't have to go far for someone to hang out with. It was a fun semester despite the time constraints. Plus, it was all worth it because I got straight A's! :)

I also gained some new friends throughout the semester. Two of my favorites are Dan and Tyler. The first picture is Dan and I. Its not one of my favorites, but he has all the good ones. He is in my ward and we walked to class together everyday. He's wonderful and we get to spend lots more time together next semester. Tyler was my FHE brother. He's just the cutest little 18 year old that I will probably never see again because he is going on his mission (to the Colorodo Denver Mission by the way). Despite the fact that I told myself I wasn't going to become friends with anyone that young, Tyler and I have become close friends and hopefully it will stay that way.

Here are some pictures from fall semester. I will miss my roommates so much!

Carving pumpkins for FHE.

Halloween! I did something to help out pretty much each of these costumes.

We had a sweet swap every sunday and fit as many people in our apartment as we could. Ha ha.

My best friend Court and I on her 21st birthday.

Roommate photo shoot!

1 comment:

Crystal Lyman said...

Those were some great times!! Miss you girl! I hope that I get to come up and visit sometime soon! Love you!