So here's what happened, Courtney and Travis were going to sell security systems in Indiana with a company called Sound Security. Court wanted me to go with her because she thought it would be a really good opportunity for me to make some money over the summer. I learned more about it and finally decided I would do it. I went back and forth throughout the semester about wanting to go and not wanting to, but in the end I decided it was the right thing for me to do. Court, Trav, and I set out for Indiana the day after school got out. That was the longest drive ever, let me tell ya. I really liked Indianapolis though. It's a really cool city, and going to Indiana was a fun adventure. I got to see a lot of cool things and meet some great people. I was there for about a week before I realized that it really wasn't where I wanted to be. It really hit me when Court decided to quit. Going out there was her idea, so it was a hard thing for me to get past. I had so much more fun when she was with me. I don't blame her for quitting though. That was not something she could handle. And when I came down to it, I decided that I didn't want to do that job anymore. It was a decision between making money and being happy. I chose being happy.
We were checkin out the sights in Indy. They've got some sweet places there.
So then a few days after I quit, I flew to Salt Lake City. I spent some time there with my friend Ben. I saw some things and had some fun. Then I headed up to Rexburg, where I have been living ever since. I moved into a house with a bunch of my friends. I just relaxed, hung out and had as much fun a possible for the first few weeks I was here. Now I'm working a little at Western Wats and still having as much fun as I can. I'm so happy with my decision to come back to Rexburg, but I also don't regret going to Indiana. I learned something about myself, got to see new places, meet new people, and realize what is important. Sometimes you just need to slow down and enjoy life. That's what I'm doing right now. If you aren't, then I highly suggest you try it!